Specialising in helping residents in and around iver, TRANSFORM THEIR BODY AND get fit
Join Our Unstoppable Transformation Formula

(disclaimer: Results may vary)
Boosting your confidence, feeling better in your own skin, having more energy and being happy with your body is the number one thing you deserve. We are a results based program that drops fat and makes you happy.

The Fit Body Formula is like a family. You'll be losing weight with a fun and friendly group of people following the same path as you. This is the ULTIMATE support network for your journey, you'll meet amazing people changing their lives with you.

You may even be surprised that not just when you're in the sessions, but when you're at home running around the kids, and hitting deadlines with work, that we will be sending you the odd message and call to keep you on track and accountable.
No Starvation Diets
We understand you don’t want to be going hungry, making complicated meals or relying on meal replacements.
Your plan is perfect if you don't know what you should be eating to ignite your metabolism. You'll have simple delicious recipes to follow that even my 7 year old daughter could make. Eliminating all guess work whilst we educate you.

Forget Countless Hours Spent in A BORING Gym
The last thing you want to be doing is spending an hour working out and then wondering why you're not losing weight.
Your 30 Minute Half The Time Twice The Results Workouts are perfect for beginners and are prolific at burning fat. You'll NEVER repeat a workout so you don't get bored. Plus the daily workout is ALWAYS top secret so you're always excited to come in and train. Our "afterburn" effect means you continue to reap the benefit of fat burn after your sessions.
Our Formula could Transform Your Life
Want to set a great example to your kids, who’ll be happier because you are? Want your other half to be proud that you've stuck to something and you're physically and emotionally happier than you've been in years? Want to boost your confidence and loosen your jeans? You're in the right place.
Say goodbye to tight clothes and frustration when shopping.

Get Access to the Proven Weight Loss Formula That Has Worked Time and Again for THOUSANDs of Our Clients
Join Our Unstoppable Transformation Formula. Book A Call To Get Started
Here’s What Others Have to Say

(Disclaimer: Results may vary)
“I’ve Lost 3 Stone and I Don't Feel Lethargic Like I Used to”
I was very unhappy with the way I looked and the way I felt.
I didn't like to go shopping as I felt no clothes would look nice on me.
I had fears about joining as it had been a very long time since I had last exercised but after my first session, I actually felt really good, and met some very lovely people who really helped and motivated me.
I’ve lost 3 stone and I don't feel lethargic like I used to and I have lots more energy now to do so much more things with kids.
Anjana Khan
“I’ve Lost 5 Stone in 22 Months”
“It wasn’t until I saw a video of myself from from a holiday I’d been on dancing with my daughter that I thought I need to change.
I saw The Fit Body Formula online and a friend was doing the 6 weeks. She said how good it was and how friendly the people were so I went for it. It was literally only a week and I knew it was for me. I loved it. Something different every day.
I feel fantastic now. I’ve lost 5 stone in 22 months. I just didn’t realise how much weight I had put on. It’s great for my mental health and I’ve made some amazing friends too.”
Claire Strange

(Disclaimer: Results may vary)

(Disclaimer: Results may vary)
“I Lost 1 Stone In The First 6 Weeks”
“I’d eat nothing but sweets, muffins, chocolate. What shocked me was when I started suffering from several health issues. Knee and hip pain, very bad sleep, occasional acid reflux, acne, back pain, migraine. I was diagnosed with the pre-asthmatic syndrome and was prescribed an inhaler.
I joined the 6 Week Challenge and it was the best decision I've ever made. I managed to get rid of all my health issues. I’m even inhaler free! We’re all in the same boat here and I love the personal touch of this program. I lost 1 stone in my 6 Weeks before heading back to Germany.”
so what do you actually get as part of YOUR body transformation....

(Disclaimer: Results may vary)
Get Access to the Proven Weight Loss Formula That Has Worked Time and Again for thousands of Our Clients
Join Our Unstoppable Transformation Formula. Book A Call To Get Started